Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Camping with a trip to Auburn

Ok, I'm bored.

Wyatt kept saying "ucks ay quack quack, eese ay onk, onk."
Translation for those not fluent in Wyatt "Ducks say quack quack, Geese say honk, honk."

A side trip to Auburn. WAR EAGLE!!!

Lunch and a old fashion shake at Cheeburger Cheeburger.
Mmmm, Mmmm, Mmmmm!

This is what eating there does to you.
Out like a light, not two minutes after getting in the truck.
(He really liked the car his lunch came in.)

1 comment:

mykidsmomx4 said...

Smart boy!

If you ask Lauren, she'll tell you a duck says "Aflac".